Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Prisencolinensinainciusol: what english sounds like to people who don't speak english

an italian songwriter named adriano celentanowrote a song with nonsensical lyrics in an effort to replicate the sound of english. both the video and song are euro-wacky and terrific. ultramafic could mix wonders with this.

thanks for the tip, garrett!


cArLa said...

that's awesome... i was trying to figure out if i could make out a sentence... ha ha ha... all right!

Dorn said...

I loved the video! It shows that no matter how Banal or Unintelligible the lyrics, enjoyable music ultimately triumphs.

dblchin (double chin) said...

awwww, sweet!

Lol! Enjoyed that vid v much!

Passport Smiles said...

What the hell? Where did you find this? This is too good for words. I am teaching English in France right now, and I have always wondered what I sound like to them. Now I know. And it's hilarious.

Anonymous said...

this hurts my head

kristenallencarolinagirl said...

This is terrible but I couldn't stop watching it. This can't be recent? It looks very disco-era! Wow.

Rox V - The Bird's Nest said...

thank you, this is an amazing piece.
I'm new at this and will try to follow you with my blog stuff

Michael Rector said...

That is by far one of the coolest things I have heard in a long time. Love it!!

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