'younger than jesus: artist directory' a kind of Yellow Pages for the under-33 art world published on the occasion of the New Museum’s first Triennial. With some 500 artists, it’s staggeringly comprehensive; yet, published on newsprint with bare-bones entries, it’s self-consciously ephemeral.
'legacy: the preservation of th wilderness in new york city parks: a collection of photos by Joel Meyerowitz, debunks the notion that New York is a city of concrete and asphalt anchored by the singular splendor of Central Park. Instead, we are confronted with a sprawling metropolis that is constantly being encroached upon by nature, from forgotten wetlands in Queens to wild turkeys strolling through Battery Park City and an abandoned power station choked with weeds on North Border Island in the East River. It’s the foundation for the “green city” Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg regularly preaches about, and it’s already here.
here's the rest of the list and some other highlight photos for jump-on encouragement

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