Friday, April 16, 2010

Get Down With the Double Down

I just produced this news package with my grease-loving friend Charlie Payne. His love of hyped fast food specialty products is unparalleled and shines through in this video.

Heeding the Colonel's Call from Charlie Hoxie on Vimeo.


Yukon said...

That bastard is de-lish.

Dorn said...

WOW...that's one Badwich! I don't think my body can handle that kind of grease sodium protein overload. More power to him!

Just Jenny said...

KFC doesn't publish info on the Double Down, but an independent lab found the Double Down to have 1228 calories, 81g fat, and 317mg cholesterol. I don't know if I have ever been more disturbed by something that has come out from fast food. I am sure that it tastes absolutely delicious. I can remember a time when I would have been one of those people standing in line preparing to go into a food coma. But seriously...Does this country need one more way to make ourselves enormous. That things is rediculous. I used to use a lot of dangerous drugs that made me feel really good in the moment. That doesnt mean that they should be sold on the streets. That things should definately be banned to the black market along with its cousin the Big Mac.

Madame Lamb said...

great camera work ultramafic.

just jenny, i saw this facebook group the other day that is called "If bars don't serve drunk people.....why does Mcdonalds serve fat people?"

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