Monday, March 8, 2010

if you are a hipster getting hitched...

something old, something new, something borrowed, something urban?
that's right, soon all who wish to wed will be able to get their dream wedding dress from urban outfitters. UO is working with the Anthropologie design team as well as other guest designers to create bridal dresses, jewelry, gifts and bridesmaid dresses. the wedding dresses are going to be priced between $750-$5,000 (the average bride tends to spend $4,500 total on bridal apparel). UO also intends to provide services for wedding planning, flowers, and travel. the line is set to be launched by next spring. unfortunately, no images of the designs have been published, but maybe madonna served as an inspiration for them?


Madame Lamb said...


moonbean said...

An Urban Outfitters marriage would last 2-3 weeks at most.

Anonymous said...

what a horrible blog post. at least ML didn't make it.

love the blog, even after this.

Anonymous said...

Dag, that bitch be ugly.

Anonymous said...

hi i shop at urban outfitters

Natasha Frost said...

Bet a wedding dress like that would make even the flounciest of priests a bit hot under the collar.. phwoar.. :)

daggers with daisies said...

I find that urban outfitters is one of those shops that tries to sell a mass market a sense of uniqueness which in itself eliminates the whole point of being unique. Any one getting married and still shopping at urban is clearly too young to get married. Dont get me wrong i love the place but COME ON!

Anonymous said...

Pray that your plan works way you want. God bless you always (

Frugalista Life said...

Wow- wedding dresses at OU... interesting! Great Blog!

-Ashley, The Frugalista

Anonymous said...

I hate that fact that a) Madonna's image was used on this post. Not because I hate Madonna (I'm a fan) but because it was tainted by appearing with the word "hipster." Madonna is classy when put up against your run of the mill PBR drinkin hipster. b) who in their right mind would go to anthropologie for a wedding? First, they can't spell their own damn name right, and second, it's your wedding! Hello!

Anonymous said...

I'm so tired of urban outfitters and it'll probably be madonna inspired or it'll have some sort of plaid on it. I'm just sick of UO trying to be different, they're fabric is cheap yet the prices sare so high, they cater to the hipster style but wait till that fades, JUST like abercrombie and fitch is slowly closing down because the preppy skinny boring plain style has faded. They even reduced their prices because of the recession.

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