Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"god bless greenspan, patron saint of pool skatin'"

Recent NY Times article documents a resurgence in pool skating in CA, as a wave of foreclosures converts backyard pools into gnarly playgrounds.

From NYTimes.com:

"'We have more pools than we know what to do with,' said Mr. Peacock, who lives in Fresno, the Central Valley city where thousands of homes, many with pools behind them, are in foreclosure. 'I can’t even keep track of them all anymore.'"

"Across the nation, the ultimate symbol of suburban success has become one more reminder of the economic meltdown, with builders going under, pools going to seed and skaters finding a surplus of deserted pools in which to perfect their acrobatic aerials."


"Skaters are coming to places like Fresno from as far as Germany and Australia. Mr. Peacock said his floor and couch were covered by sleeping bags of visiting skateboarders each weekend."

Read more.

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