Wednesday, October 29, 2008

the story of man's desire to fly like an eagle

Mike Montandan's "Jetpack Dreams chronicles the story of the most mysterious yet iconic piece of space age hardware known to man-the jetpack. from a gruesome jetpack-driven murder in Houston in the mid-1990s to the secret laboratories and government facilities of today, from the 1949 serial King of the Rocket Men to Lost in Space, The Jetsons and The Rocketeer to the cultural jetpack phenomenon represented by Buck Rogers, James Bond, Boba Fett, and Diddy at the 2005 MTV movie awards. the trailer looks hilarious and i just ordered a copy.
At a 1961 Bell demonstration for the Pentagon, Harold Graham wowed the crowed on a packed lawn.
t a 1961 Bell demonstration for the Pentagon, Harold Graham wowed the crowed on a packed lawn.
Bell’s rocket belt (right) and bulkier jet belt.  Brief flight times, heft and cost ultimately doomed both inventions’ chances with the military.
Bell’s rocket belt (right) and bulkier jet belt. Brief flight times, heft and cost ultimately doomed both inventions’ chances with the military. The flight times capped out at about 20 seconds around this time because that was the most amount of fuel that could be kept on man's back comfortably.

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