Monday, February 2, 2009


here are some cool photographs that just surfaced of 74 year old Sophia Loren and Daniel Day Lewis riding in an Alfa Romeo in Rome. The two are filming the upcoming film Nine, a sequel to Fellini's 1963 classic "8 1/2" about a director facing writer's block. The growing cast for Nine also includes Penelope Cruz, Nicole Kidman, Marion Cotillard, Judi Dench, Stacy Ferguson, and Kate Hudson. Allstar cast. Thanks for the tip, Mike!


Anonymous said...

The Alfa Romeo upstages both of them. Beautiful.

argo not said...

do you mean fellini's 1963 movie?

dic flair said...

Haha, the 1988 classic "8 1/2"


Anonymous said...

Ooooh that Alfa Romeo!!!

Anonymous said...

Anybody know the model/year of the Alfa?

Unknown said...

1959 Alfa Giulietta Spider

Alessandro Echevarria said...

why and how does this movie get a sequels...

what's next? Cinema Paradiso2 ?

Anonymous said...

i hope it's a 9 1/2 weeks prequel..

Anonymous said...


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